Wednesday, July 13, 2005

What the 8-229 Flying Tigers do in Their Down Time

One of the readers of the Flying Tigers in Iraq blog, Lewis, wanted me to remind everyone that, even in an aviation attack battalion in the middle of the Sunni Triangle, there’s a lot of pretty normal activities going on here. Of course, Lewis is right. The soldiers here can spend their time doing things like going to the laundry, or working out at the gym, or just chillin’ during their time off.

We actually have a softball league on the FOB (Forward Operating Base.) And, there is as much free non-alcoholic beer as you want here, too.

Of course, we relax in shifts. You're not going to find the entire battalion taking a snooze at any given time of the day or night. That ain't happening. This is a war zone, after all.

As well, I want to thank the folks who send us Girl Scout Cookies. Okay, this might not rate highly on the Army’s list of health foods. But, it sure is a boost. Not that the Army food here at FOB Speicher is so bad. Ribs, steaks, and even lobster gets served at the Eagle’s Nest DFAC.

Still, Girl Scout Cookies are a nice break.